Criteria for Admissions
The Oberle Academy provides a nurturing, supportive academic & therapeutic environment for students 11 to 22 years of age who are experiencing academic, social, emotional, and behavioral challenges.
In accordance with State and Federal law, maintains and actively guards our policy of nondiscrimination based on reasons of race, religion, national origin, or disability. In order to ensure that the placement is appropriate and to protect the safety and well-being of students enrolled at The Oberle Academy, the following criteria must be met:
Be at least 11 and no older than 22 years of age
Be able to cognitively process verbal communication
Be able to attend an all-day school setting with accommodations for students with:
Emotional Disorders
Intellectual Disability
Specific Learning Disability
Other Health Impairment
Visually Impaired (including blindness)
Hearing Impaired
Speech or Language Impairment
Multiple Disabilities
Have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) written by the Local Education Agency (LEA) that includes private day school as placement or an Independent Instructional Plan (IIP) written by The Oberle Academy
Be able to benefit from a small, flexible, self-paced instructional environment
Be able to benefit from an individualized behavior management program
Be able to benefit from comprehensive transitional services
Be able to manage their own medication
To promote a safe and healthy learning environment, students with the following characteristics can not be considered:
Actively suicidal or homicidal
Actively experiencing visual and/or auditory hallucinations when on medication or are so disoriented in thought processes that they present a safety hazard to themselves or others
Persistent assaultive behavior when medicated
Admissions Process
A Four-Step process
Schools, social service agencies, mental health agencies, court systems, Family Assessment & Planning Teams (FAPT), parent/guardians, or students may make referrals. The following information is needed to consider a student for placement:
Most current psychological educational and social history
Most current eligibility documentation for students in need of special education
Current IEP for students in need of special education
A current psychiatric evaluation, if appropriate
A medical history to include updated immunization records and a comprehensive physical exam
Current school records to include: discipline records, report cards and transcripts, Academic & Career Plan, SOL Testing results
Admission Decision
After the interview and a final records review, the PC will confer with the referring agency and the family to determine the appropriateness of the placement. Notification of the admission decision will be made to the family and the referring agency.
Upon acceptance, an enrollment application will be provided to the parent/guardian. In the event that placement at The Oberle Acadamy is not deemed appropriate and admission is denied, the PC shall make every effort to suggest a more appropriate placement, making referrals when possible.
After the acceptance letter has been offered, an IEP meeting will be scheduled with the IEP team to determine the most appropriate goals and services necessary for the student to be successful. A start date will also be determined.
Students are enrolled on a 30-day trial basis. The student's performance is measured, documented, and reported. Unless extremem circumstances call for immediate action, no student will be terminated without a conference with the parent/guardian, student, Oberle Academy representative, and a public school representative.
Meet & Tour
Once a referral has been received, the Program Coordinator (PC) will review the student's records and arrange an interview and tour with the student, parent/guardian and referring agency.